Here are my Target Groups
Commuter Students Strategies for Success: Programs need to be quick and at varying times. Programs need to be out in the community, near their houses. There has to be an incentive. Half of the Students at EMU are Commuter Students Programs Tabling Activities Photos All Students at OCC are Commuter Students Programs Tabling Activities Israel Awareness Day OCC Shabbat Dinner Photos Most Students at WSU are Commuter Students Programs Tabling Activities WSU Women's Hockey Game Detroit Tigers vs. Oakland A's Freshmen All Universities Strategies for Success. Bring the programs to them. Have an incentive. Programs Midwest Regional Freshmen Shabbaton Havdalah and Hot Chocolate Israeli Movie - "On the Front Lines" Young Adults Programs need to be out in the community, near their homes. There has to be an incentive Programs Detroit Tigers vs. Oakland A's DIA (Detroit Institute of Arts) Photos Outdoors-minded Students/Young Adults Programs EMU - Ultimate BBQ HMD - Flamin' Sukkah HMD - Day Hike HMD - Tube-Ishvat HMD - Freeze your Mitzvahs Off Residence Hall Students EMU Programs Havdalah and Hot Chocolate Israeli Movie - "On the Frontline" See Programs page to see summaries of some innovative programs Being the Jewish educator in Programs: You don't have to know everything. You need to know where to look for the answers. What you don't know, refer the student to someone who does. Tracking Use a Palm Pilot Take a small notepad and write down names and information, then transfer them to a Excel Spreadsheet.
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