- Holidays
- Flamin' Sukkah
- This was my first event. We rented out a fire pit at a local park and brought about 25 people to enjoy Sukkot in the wilderness. The event started out with a hike and Sukkot-related learnings and Quotes at trailheads. It then ended up at the fire-pit with a tish by the students. A great first event!
- Tube-ishvat (see below in Outdoors)
- Shabbat @ OCC
- This was the first Shabbat Dinner ever at OCC (Oakland Comunity College). We all packed in to my office, it was close, but not too close for comfort. We had an amazing 17 people there! This doubled my expectations! There was amazing food and amazing friends!
- Life's a Beach Shabbat Dinner
- Done at EMU with an emerging empowerment student. This was a Shabbat dinner in the middle of winter. We hoped for snow, which we NEVER hope for, and we got sun! Everyone was encouraged to wear summer clothes. There was sand and candles and flowers. It was a truly amazing and successful event!
- Outdoors (exercise)
- Flamin' Sukkah (see above in Holidays)
- Day Hike
- After the Flamin' Sukkah event an Outdoors Club was formed. This was our first official event! We did a four mile hike that kept participants wanting more!
- Tube-ishvat
- This was held at "The Fridge", an outdoor bobsledding run. The outdoors club figured, with my guidance, why not be outdoors on the Jewish Environmental holiday!
- Freeze Your Mitzvah's Off
- This regional Ski Trip was supossed to be to a local ski resort. But, it turned out to be a converted landfill. It really didn't matter! This event was fun for all the Hillels in Southeastern Michigan.
- Ultimate BBQ
- At EMU, I got to teach the fine art of Ultimate Frisbee to a group of willing students! This was also my first experience doing a program alone. Note, for the future make sure you have a way to get the grill to the park!
- Movie Nights - All of these Movie nights were held at EMU. The first three were my idea, then I got an engagement student to take over the event planning! Leadership development at it's best!
- Jurassic Park
- Mel Brooks Month
- Robin Hood: Men in Tights
- Spaceballs
- Happy Gilmore
- The Princess Bride
- The Big Lebowski
- Mr. Holland's Opus
- Other
- Kick Some Butt with Hillel
- Learning Krav Maga (Israeli Self-Defense) was a great way to get the blood pumping!
- Torah on Tap
- This was an ideas I got from the JCSC Listserve (I think San Diego State did it). I got a few rabbis and did two of these "learn torah in a non-torah environment" programs at EMU and one up in the Metro Detroit Area. This program has since been taken over by the program director and has become a monthly activity.
- Open-Mic Night
- I planned two of these event. Held at the OCC Studio Cafe, both were extremely easy to plan, just tell Dusty (the owner) when you want to have it! They have to be on Thursday nights form 7-10pm.
- Black and Jews in Conversation
- This was an idea that my supervisor and I discussed. Held at EMU and co-sponsored by the NAACP chapter at EMU, this event brought many different colored people together during Martin Luther King Jr. Week at EMU. Though the idea was mine, the event was taken over and ultimatly planned by an emerging empowerment student.
- Looking Inside with Yehoshua Rubin
- A KSH Grant winning program! This program brought young adults interested in spirituality together to learn and discover. It involved guided imagery, song, and clay!
- Hockey!
- One of my engagement students at WSU was on the Women's Hockey Team. We made an event to go see her in action! My first time at a women's hockey and same with our students who attended
- Lunch and Learn: Heaven and Hell - The Jewish Perspective
- Brought to OCC because of questions I received by engagement students, this event was a huge success! There were many questions posed by students and there was a variety of students, not just Jewish ones!
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